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Bits and tips to be happy or even much happier at work

Imagine you are not happy at work.

Probably, all the trouble would already begin on Sunday afternoon: “I don´t want to woooork :((.`Not being able to enjoy the last day of the weekend because of the stress `Monday` causes. Then, in the morning you would shuffle to get to the work. You would not be able to focus, you would maybe do your work cursory and you would just count down the hours. Does not sound very nice, right?
Maybe you already experience these things or you are happy but you want to be much happier. Well, there are some solutions to help you to achieve this!
There are many articles on this hot topic and of course many suggestions on how to increase your level of happiness at work. Here is a summary of some
suggestions that would make you feel happy or happier:
Use the last five minutes:
I am pretty sure, most of you heard about this “making the bed in the morning” thing. When you do that, you feel much nicer when you are back home, right? So, you need something that makes you feel much nicer when you are at work. Rather than counting down the minutes, why not organizing your agenda/work/meeting/tasks-whatever
it is - before leaving? By this way in the morning next day, you will not spend time on planning task and will not be overwhelmed.
Appreciate small things:
Unfortunately sometimes we are so inclined to focus on the negatives. This is a survival strategy inherited from our ancestors. We are not always able to see what is actually nice. A small suggestion about that: after finishing your planning for the next day, take a few minutes to write down three things that were actually nice at work. These things can be very small such as your colleague opened the door for you, you had a nice coffee, you completed or began to do a task. Just think about it. There are always small beauties in life and also at work.
Your table is your space:
Do not forget! The table you are working at is your space. Design/arrange it in a way you like. A few pictures with the people you love, a nice drawing from your favorite artist, some cartoons make you laugh, some inspiring quotes or a small cute plant. I am sure, you can find something you would love and enjoy to have.
Be `honest` to yourself:
Sometimes we can be hard on ourselves, right? We may think `If a task is not done, it is not done!` Which translates into `I did not achieve anything today`. Come on! Be fair and kind to yourself! You worked hard all day to complete the task or to make some progress and you eventually did. You deserve a tick there. So a small piece of suggestion: divide the big tasks into small bits. Write them down and when you complete one thing just put a tick next to it. If you are still working on it just put a plus next to it because it still counts! Do not forget: Even though sometimes it is baby steps, everything develops step by step.
Personal Development:
I know, we hear it so often and maybe feel like just saying `Okay, I know I know it is important.` but let me say something: This can actually be something not just very important but very fun! Believe me. Try to learn something new every day. It can be about your job but it can be also on a topic that you are just interested. Read a book. If you do not enjoy reading books, watch a documentary, watch YouTube videos (there are crazy stuff out there). Find something you love and work on it.
You may not be able to do all of them at once however as I said : Even though sometimes it is baby steps, everything develops step by step.



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